We protect your healthy beauty.
Tel. : 042-629-8939
Fax. : 042-629-8811
E-mail : wjkim@hnu.kr

Business Areas

customized cosmetics

  • Wecomy have developed individualized cosmetics system through self skin diagnosis

customized material development

  • B2B Development of customized cosmetics for each company by building cosmetics raw material development skills, equipment, and manpower

customized formulation development

  • Development of finished product formulations and establishment of supply system through the development of customized materials

building customized cosmetics marketing
  • Developing and manufacturing cosmetics to take advantage of planning & marketing compared to other companies


Step 01. Communication
Step 02. E-Business
Step 03. Professional Personnel

WECOMY: customized Cosmetics brand

Cosmetics manufacturing company specializing in natural antibacterial material development. We will help you with individualizing beauty through customized cosmetics from self skin diagnosis.



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